Peripheral vascular disease (PVD), also called peripheral arterial disease (PAD), occurs when plaque accumulates in the arteries of the legs and feet, narrowing the arteries and causing reduced blood flow.  

We are experts in endovascular (minimally invasive) and open surgery, and non-surgical options, for the treatment of peripheral vascular disease.  

Balloon Angioplasty  

Your surgeon will insert a small tube with a balloon on the end through a small incision in the groin and guide the tube to the area containing the plaque.  The balloon is inflated, pushing the plaque against the wall of the artery to improve blood flow.  

Stent Placement  

Using a catheter, your surgeon guides a small tube (stent) to the area containing the plaque.  The stent is placed into this area permanently, opening your clogged artery and improving blood flow.  


During this procedure, your surgeon uses a special tool at the tip of a catheter to break up plaque in your blocked artery.  The catheter collects the bits of removed plaque. This procedure is often used if your vessel has become blocked again after balloon angioplasty. Laser atherectomy uses a laser on the tip of a catheter to vaporize plaque, removing the blockage from your artery.  


During this procedure, your surgeon guides a catheter with a tiny balloon to the blockage, the balloon inflates and freezes the area of the blockage and opens the vessel.  

Open Surgery  

If an artery in your leg or foot is severely narrowed or if other minimally invasive options have not worked, open surgery may be needed.  

Much like heart bypass surgery, blood flow is rerouted around the blocked or damaged part of the artery using a natural blood vessel taken from another part of your body, or by a synthetic tube.